24” x 30” Mixed Media Canvas Update: all about the values
Been ignoring this one for too long. Got tired of trying different ways to keep white white (would turn yellow near the
And now for my favorite color: Blue!!!! 💙
I have 6 more tubes of blue to swatch tomorrow. For today, I filled out the ones on this page, then played with gradient landscapes.
End of my green watercolor swatched for the @NostrArtstr November Art Challenge. Moving on to blue tomorrow.
#nostrartstrNov2024 #artstr #🖼️ #rustypuppyart #watercolor #swatches #renesans #artchallenge #art…
Starting green swatches… though not sure what part of Prussian Green is, well, green. 🤷
Went ahead and swatched the turquoise because it was there, then ended this page with some nice greeny greens.
Love the Naples Yellow Pale, though I’d call it Parchment. The other Naples would make good flesh tones, but they don’t look ‘yellow’ to me.
6-10 are definitely my definition
I’m so excited/grateful/relieved to finally share with you the first (as far as I know) Nostr art & poetry collaboration!!! @Sacred Peak and I have been working on this for
Swatched the 3 yellows to finish this page. There’s another 8 tubes of yellow in this set and I might get to those later tonight. Or not.
#nostrartstrNov2024 #artstr #🖼️ #rustypuppyart #watercolor #swatches
Today’s watercolor orange swatches:
But not the yellows that are for a reason I don’t understand in the middle when going by the manufacturer’s numbering. So I skipped the yellows.
Finished swatching the last red tubes of watercolor.
Then played around on some leftover strips of paper. Not sure what kind, probably Canson Mixed Media 160g as it’s thinner than the 300g
All set to swatch these watercolors as my @NostrArtstr November Art Challenge: Play with Color. 🎉
Or not … because apparently tube watercolors can separate if you leave them alone for, ah, 2 years. 😅
I’m running this art challenge and I’m not ready, so absolutely no pressure. 😅
Had a massive headache pre-storm yesterday, so Today I will clean up an art desk so I
Personal art challenges for October stats….
Inktober: 13/31 - isometric art using Procreate
Undying Tales: 1/15 - Procreate color animal illustration
I’m good with those numbers, because had I not tried these
Finished my first kawaii art based on Tatyana Deniz workshop. So happy how he turned out! Would be a fun sticker design. Definitely going to play with more of these.
This is a
When you should really go eat dinner but get sidetracked making little trees with leftover paint.
#art #artstr #rustypuppyart #acrylic #artprocess #wip #🖼️…
24” x 30” Mixed Media Canvas Update: mountain time
Starting to layer texture on the mountains. Cut this sponge in half to better control the area that gets paint.
Dark colors first. This
This leaf followed me in from the patio, so we had a little portrait session.
Faber-Castell Albrecht Dürer watercolor pencils in a cold press 110 lb/230 g/m2 sketchbook by U.
24” x 30” Mixed Media Canvas Update: more clouds
Cloud cover over a whole mountain on the back right. Sponge edges, which I really like and will likely use with green to get
24” x 30” Mixed Media Canvas Update: cloud sessions 1 of ???
Added a mix of white and parchment color as the clouds base.
Surprised how much the green is showing through, given that
Horizon - Inktober prompt.
Thanks to @mikemonty for the idea of combining my work. Made making this one a lot easier since I already had a sun. 👍
Was also fun to work on a