Purple swatches yielded only one true…

Purple swatches yielded only one true purple. 🤔
Will have to play with mixing reds and blues to find some more purples I like some day.
Still have browns and grays to swatch for this set, but I’m considering my NostrArtstr art challenge for this November completed. 🎉
No “final art” was created; that wasn’t the goal on my art challenge. I did do more with these tube watercolors than I have in 2 years, so I consider this a Win.
Still a few days left in November if you want to join and Play with Color (this month’s theme). Even if you only do a single thing, if it’s more than you would have done without participating in this art challenge, You Win. 👍🫂
#nostrartstrNov2024 #artstr #🖼️ #rustypuppyart #watercolor #swatches #renesans #artchallenge