First week of the #nostrichNovember art challenge is over! 3 more weeks to go, so lots of time left to share some purple ostrich (or any) art. Free downloads of daily prompts, trackers,
Good evening, this is Helen. She prefers books to people. Cats, as well as large dogs and birds of prey, are also preferable to people. Helen is the second French Fashion Nostrich for
As you head into your weekend, here are the #nostrichnovember prompts for Saturday (4th) and Sunday (5th) in case you want to make some art to share with us. There’s actually a
This is Elizabeth, though she prefers to go by Liz; it’s shorter to say, though only say it if you really need her attention. Liz is the first of eight 1920s French
I’ve updated the Nostrich November art challenge website with links to my French Fashion Nostriches of the 1920s Coloring Book (pay fiat or sats): - use your coloring book pages as your Nostrich
This is the first #inkblotart that’s looked like a thing rather than just inkblots to me. This is a portrait of a Really Pissed Off Fox. Those eyes are amazing!
#grownostr #onlyonnostr