WHAT: GIF and meme posts with folks zapping each other for fun and entertainment. Open to all.
WHEN: #zapathon is Thursdays & Fridays at 5pm EST.
#eurothon (same kind of thing) happens on
I won’t be able to participate in #eurothon until September, but that won’t stop me from promoting it. 💜
#zapathon #stackingsats #zaparoundtheworld…
What the fish said.
And there’s still #eurothon Saturday at 11 am EST. 🫡…
TODAY (Thursday) AT 5 PM EST - GIF and meme posts with folks zapping each other for fun and entertainment. Open to all. Use the hashtag #zapathon to participate. See something you like? Zap
WHAT: GIF and meme posts with folks zapping each other for fun and entertainment. Open to all.
WHEN: #zapathon is Thursdays & Fridays at 5pm ET.
#eurothon (same kind of thing) happens on
Mission accomplished: I’ve created enough memes to post 3x per #zapathon and #eurothon for the rest of the month! 🎉
All sats zapped to me during those events will got toward the Rustypuppy-
Having participated in my first #zapathon and my first #eurothon I’ve discovered I’m a #zapathonaholic
Therefore I’ve have a checklist of the number of images (and possibly gifs) I need
One last note, then have to all the things I didn’t do yesterday because I was on Nostr. Many thanks for a fun #eurothon #zapathon #zaparoundtheworld…
Sending out love zaps
#zapathon #eurothon #zaparoundtheworld…
#eurothon #zaparoundtheworld #zapathon…
10 minute count down… also GIF test
#eurothon #zapathon #zaparoundtheworld…
For anyone on this side of the pond who’s ready for a #zapathon to start your weekend: #eurothon at 15:00 UTC or 11:00 EST 🫡🫂💜 #grownostr…