Due to foot issues and weather-related headaches, last couple of #31days of 60 minutes of exercise didn’t happen. But I’m happy with what I did do during the month of
27 / #31days of 60 minutes of exercise… now in 10 minute segments. My foot felt so much better after a day off, but I’m not willing to give up on the hashtag
The start date for this year’s 100 Day Project is…. February 18th!!!
I’ve participated a bunch of times, finished twice, and usually get to around 60 before something happens and I
A #photography challenge!!! 📸
#grownostr #plebchain #photostr #30days #challenge…
Getting excited about next year (I know, it’s not even Christmas yet) and things I want to accomplish (probably because I’ve been sitting around for the past 4 weeks for my