Introducing the Ultra Rare and Super Special Sleepy Sammie!!! (Did you collect the Sunset Sammie card?) Thanks to @Kevin for multiple photos to play with as part of the @ZBD Mascot Madness challenge.
Introducing Sunset Sammy! This is 1 of 2 Sammie cards, thanks to @Kevin as part of the @ZBD Mascot Madness challenge.* If you want me to make your pet card, reply with your
Introducing Color Puppy Kobe! Thanks to @binmucker for the pet photo as part of the @ZBD Week 2 Mascot Madness challenge. If you want me to make a pet card for you, reply
Introducing Glitter Kitty Tom! Thanks to @ℝ𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕓𝕠𝕨 🌈🦋 for letting me use her pet photo for the @ZBD Mascot Madness challenge. More info on all the challenges here:
And here’s the link to