It’s here!!! Puzzle I mage is lighter and less saturated than the original artwork, but all the lovely layers of mixed media detail can still be seen. 😍
I choose the “garden” template,
Little ceramic dish. Second photo is a close up of the character - can anyone can identify it for me, please? #asknostr
Daily drawing in a 4” x 4” sketchbook.
#art #artstr #drawing #dailyhabit
I had a book on how to draw Celtic knots like this triquetra - it involved graph paper. This is not that knot.
Oddly, I drew the top one first and got it right.
Water bottle.
Daily drawing in a 4” x 4” sketchbook.
#art #artstr #drawing #dailyhabit #dailysketch…
Love this service. I paid because I wanted a Creator’s page, but here’s a list of goodies you get for free.
#photography #photostr #art #artstr #plebchain #grownostr…
When you go through a whole layer cake of fabric and still can’t find the colors you want so you decide to paint the background.
#art #artstr #fabricart #artproject #notperfectionjustpicky…
This is Tod. Today Tod is happy. Some days he is not. However he feels, he is always cute.
Daily drawing in a 4” x 4” sketchbook.
#art #artstr #drawing #dailyhabit #dailysketch #cute
All the art supplies used in the making of the “Sunshine Life” mixed media piece for my mom that I’ve been posting about. 💐🧩
Now to clean it all up and start the
An antique wooden ice box. Topside door for the block of ice; side door to put in the stuff you wanted to keep cold.
And we really call it the Hulk because it
Not a lot of street art near me, so here’s a photo from March 2020. During the pandemic, a lot of kids used chalk on the sidewalks in front of their houses
Done!!!! I’m soooo happy how this mixed media piece turned out. 😍
Lots of person stuff in the layers related to my mom:
her garden notes on the siding
crossword puzzle in the
My phone with a close-up of my Procreate art as the wallpaper… and a lovely little scrape on the bottom left when I dropped my pen. 😮💨
Daily drawing in a 4” x
Love seeing work in progress photos! 💙
#art #artstr #painting #creatr #seascape #landscape #proofofwork #wip…
Me: pick a simple reference for your daily drawing because you have a massive headache due to the ongoing thunderstorm that covers 1/3 of your state. 👍
Also Me: draw every bead and
As requested by @Nosnevets ….
#art #artstr #drawing #firefly #tvstr #tv #gun #bang…
Re-re-re-re-re-watching Firefly so drew Mal’s gun.
Thinking it looks a might more shapely thanks to @existing sprinkles and @Nosnevets hatching comments on a previous daily sketch. 🫂
Realized my art supplies stash was lacking googly eyes. That situation has now been remedied.
#art #artstr #artsupplies #googlyeyes…
Now that I’ve built up enough orange acrylic paint on the flowers, I can add yellow liquid acrylic to flow into the grooves.
Probably going to repeat that process one more time,
Yes! You can add hashtags like #art #artstr #tattoo etc. to help folks find your work. Also info about how you created it, as text or hashtags: #digitalart #aiart #acrylics #mixedmedia etc. 👍…
My sketch looks gaunt, but it was a tough past few years. 🐻📉
Little #TheLittleHODLer by @Lina Seiche that Boyfriend got me for my bday last month. 🧡
Daily drawing in a 4” x 4”