August 12, 2024

Binge finished the Korean drama “Doom…

Binge finished the Korean drama “Doom…

Binge finished the Korean drama “Doom at Your Service” on Netflix.

Premise is a woman who has 3 months to live due to brain cancer makes a contract with Doom (Death/Destruction/bad stuff that happens to humans). She finds out, after the fact, that there’s a severe consequence if she breaks the contract early - the person she loves the most will die…. so in order to save the world and herself, she tries to fall in love with Doom.

The variations of how they both try to manipulate and deal with the terms of the contract is the bulk of the show. Some light comedy, much more drama and feelz, so have the Kleenex box nearby for the last few eps.

There’s also a substory of the woman’s best friend figuring out her own love triangle.

The characters are interesting and Doom’s house is amazing in a seriously singular-vision interior designer way. Some of the extreme traits for the side male characters gets annoying to me, but I’ll assume it’s for comedic effect for the intended Korean audience.

The pacing felt weird at times, but there are enough moments that mattered for me to keep watching. I also really wanted to find out who the friend chose in the love triangle (it’s was a guy I liked - yay!).

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