November 8, 2023

Good evening, this is Helen. She…

Good evening, this is Helen. She…

Good evening, this is Helen. She prefers books to people. Cats, as well as large dogs and birds of prey, are also preferable to people. Helen is the second French Fashion Nostrich for my #nostrichnovember art project. She is also my Spirit Nostrich.

More info about Nostrich November on the website: … including a list of daily prompts if you want some inspiration.

Check out the hashtag #nostrichnovember to see the art already out there. If you see something you like, I have no doubt the artist would appreciate a zap.

#grownostr #plebchain #art #artstr #nostrich #frenchfashionnostrich #fashion #artchallenge #onlyonnostr #capricorn #spiritnostrich