December 10, 2023

Wanted something quick to watch during…

Wanted something quick to watch during…

Wanted something quick to watch during lunch, so I tried the first ep of Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix, assuming I wouldn’t watch any further because the teaser didn’t do much for me and it had labels of gore/sex/violence which I don’t like in excess. It’s English voice actors because it’s not an anime.

One hour later, it was like waking up, back in my living room.

1. It’s a very painterly animation style - freeze any frame and it’s gorgeous. No defining lines, other than faces, so the differentiation of things is done with color and value (light/dark).

2. It’s smart - the samurai’s upbringing feeds into how phenomenally good he is with a blade, compared to “he’s the hero therefore he’s a badass.”

3. Each ep is an hour, not half an hour, so you have time to get immersed.

4. Yes, gore/sex/violence but not in excess or gratuitously, as those scenes do inform characters and/or plot.

5. The final battle of the first ep is stunning.

6. Ignore the teasers and watch the trailer if you want a glimpse of what’s going on. If nothing about the trailer completely repels you, give the first ep a try.

So yeah, going to binge my way through that show. :D

#blueeyesamurai #netflix #samurai #animation #filmstr #movie