I have a blog about art…
- I have a blog about art books in this contest. Just saying.
2. Great read written by Marce … which should be a comment on the official nostr.build nostr blogging contest note below, or you can use this direct URL:https://habla.news/u/marce@nostr.report/1704395889534 … but go back to the official nostr.build nostr blogging contest note below if you want to vote for her blog.
3. There is no 3.
#grownostr #contest #blog #artbooks #nostrnostr:nevent1qqsvp548xafa2s6raut94x8tc2nnx6v9r06pepf6qyqqej2q5tpqgpcpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujucm4wfex2mn59en8j6g286ytr