July 6, 2024

Dragon of a Different Color by…

Dragon of a Different Color by…

Dragon of a Different Color by Rachel Aaron, #4 in the Heartstriker series.

Nice follow up to the plot threads of book 3 (No Good Dragon Goes Unpunished). New dragons, various characters level up, Big Picture gets Bigger, and something that makes utter sense given the rules of the world but was still a shocker.

Really liked Marci’s journey through this book, though since her and Julius spend most of the novel apart from each other, every chapter alternates POV …. which means for most of the middle I just skip chapters to follow a single POV. 😬

Also this cover is soooo reminiscent of Mary GrandPré’s original illustrations for the Harry Potter books because there’s a freaking spoiler in it that means nothing to you until you’ve read the story. 🤣

On to the last book, whose cover proves this whole thing has always been about Bob. 😉

#rachelaaron #urbanfantasy #dragons #heartstrikers #bookstr #book #fiction #rustypuppyreads