September 28, 2023

Somehow #zapathon * in Central Time is…

Somehow #zapathon * in Central Time is…

Somehow #zapathon * in Central Time is more difficult for me to attend than when I was in Pacific Time. Fortunately, there’s alway next week. :) Have fun at 5 PM EST!

* #zapathon happens weekly on Thursday & Friday at 5 PM EST. It’s a GIF and meme and whatever you want to share events with folks zapping each other for fun and entertainment. Open to all.

See something you like? Zap that note. Someone may do the same for what you share.

If you need a quick meme to share, feel free to grab something from my account:

If you miss out, #zapathon happens again on Saturday at 11 AM EST (but then it’s called #eurothon)

#grownostr #plebchain #nostrlife #nostrich #zap