SINGLE PAGE STORY SUNDAY: UNITED - Once every thirty years, a floating island appears and remains for sixty days.
It’s said if the gods accept your offering, the island will settle upon the water so you and yours may take of its treasures.
By the end of the first month, boats and rafts and make-shift platforms crowd the water enough for one to walk across the ocean. With so many, so close, any violence claims more than the intended targets. Elders from all clans demand courtesy and restraint, having little patience with the trivial differences of color or custom when faced with their last chance to reach the island.
As the days pass, there are fewer offerings left to give, yet people stay in the hopes of celebrating someone's success.
Every offering is watched with anticipation. Every rejection is consoled with soft words and gentle touches.
At the end of the sixtieth day, the island, still floating above the ocean, disappears.
The mass of boats and rafts slowly disentangle and disperse. Some return to their homeland. Others follow their new friends or lovers to a different life; one made possible by an unattainable dream.
#microfiction #story #writing #authorstr #storystr #nostrlife #grownostr #storytime