February 18, 2024

17 / #29daysplushielove - This is BubaLou, the…

17  / #29daysplushielove - This is BubaLou, the…

17 / #29daysplushielove - This is BubaLou, the manatee. Picked him up from Disney World in 2018 at The Living Seas exhibit. We heard the presentation on manatees from the cast members, including the tidbit that sailors (after months at sea) mistook manatees for mermaids. From then on, whenever I saw a manatee, as in at the Tree of Life in Animal Kingdom, I’d say “Mermaid!” 🧜

BubaLou makes a great phone rest when sitting in my chair and playing games for sats or noting on Nostr.

If you want to share something you love, modify the hashtag and go for it. 💜

#grownostr #plushie #love