September 4, 2023

Music is not a big part…

Music is not a big part of my life, but I wanted to give the ZBD Internet Vibes Playlist Contest a try.* Thought this was a good one for Monday morning: “One Hour Dancing Zemo” by Marvel Studios’ The Falcon and The Winter Soldier -

A short clip in a TV show became an hour long video due to fan demand and someone at Marvel who recognized an opportunity. A perfect example of the “the magical internet.”

I’ll have this on repeat, loud, in the background when I have a headache and need to get something done.

* Not a Spotify fan, so I’ll be posting my 15 songs as individual notes, then compile them all on a web page at the end of the month.

#ZBDinternetcitizen #songstr #playlist #baronzemo #falconandthewintersoldier #marvelstudios #dancelikezemo