November 3, 2023

This is Elizabeth, though she prefers…

This is Elizabeth, though she prefers…

This is Elizabeth, though she prefers to go by Liz; it’s shorter to say, though only say it if you really need her attention. Liz is the first of eight 1920s French Fashion Nostriches I’ll be sharing with you as my #nostrichnovember art challenge project.

If you’d like to participate (as much or little as you like), there’s more info on the website: … including the nostrich (purple ostrich) origin story as told by walker jb55 and jack

There’s also free downloads of ostrich silhouettes for reference (or to subtle situate in your photo), trackers, and a daily prompt list.

Check out the hashtag #nostrichnovember to see the art already out there. If you see something you like, I have no doubt the artist would appreciate a zap.

#grownostr #plebchain #art #artstr #nostrich #frenchfashionnostrich #fashion #artchallenge #onlyonnostr #aries