September 3, 2023



REMEDY - After she dropped the kids off at soccer practice, the tamarind had an appointment with her horticulturist.

Browning leaves, a severe drop in fruit production, splotches on her bark - classic stress symptoms.

Easy enough for him to prescribe a new fertilizer, rest, and more water. She had the kids, the house, the dog, the gerbil, and the so very not semi-tropical New Jersey weather to deal with on a daily basis.

Sitting in her car, the tamarind dropped her head into her branches and wept sap-filled tears.

From somewhere down the street, the strings of a tanpura reached out and hugged her with their melody. Her bark lightened. A single flower bloomed upon her brow as the song filled one of the holes in her life. On her way to pick up the saplings, the tamarind bought a pair of headphones and a subscription to AlwaysMusicIndia.

At her next appointment, her horticulturist praised her recovery, clearly pleased with efficacy of his prescription.

* fanciful microfiction of less than 300 words

#story #microfiction #author #storystr #fiction #magicalrealism #grownostr #writer