January 26, 2024

The start date for this year’…

The start date for this year’…

The start date for this year’s 100 Day Project is…. February 18th!!!

I’ve participated a bunch of times, finished twice, and usually get to around 60 before something happens and I stop … and that’s still 60 more things I now have than if I hadn’t tried the project at all. I do Art something, but this challenge is for any kind of activity.

So… anyone want to try with me?

General info here: https://www.the100dayproject.org/

Detailed FAQ here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13YyMAdxrLLUTn74Mh0kYsGEnvQa2yMvt_kO-f8UD4Vw/mobilebasic

#art #artstr #challenge #grownostr #plebchain #the100dayproject