September 19, 2024

24” x 30” Mixed Media Canvas…

24” x 30” Mixed Media Canvas…

24” x 30” Mixed Media Canvas Update: spray fixative

Day 3 of the #The21dayProject

My canvas on my little easel* and the can of fixative. It doesn’t say “workable fixative” but I have been assured by multiple articles and videos that it is.

This is my first time using a fixative of any kind on my art so we’ll see how it goes.

Sprayed 3 coats with drying time in between each one. Currently let it sit in the garage with the side door open for a cross breeze because that aerosol is stinky stuff.

Next will be moar layers!!!!

* if I attempt another large canvas I’m definitely buying a standing easel because this little tabletop guy is precarious with a substrate this large.

If you want to follow just this art project, you can check out the #mountainroadartwork hashtag.

#art #artstr #rustypuppyart #mixedmedia #artprocess #wip #🖼️