SINGLE PAGE STORY*: ENCOUNTERS - When the tornado carried you away from your apartment in Oklahoma City, visions of gold brick roads sparkled in your mind.
When you ended up on a deserted island, you realized how much you missed pizza and having a pocket knife.
When the one-eyed dragon appeared, you experienced hope, fear, excitement, and trepidation, though not in that order.
When the UFO fired its energy weapons, you defended the dragon's blind side with your magical crossbow while it sang a tune that melted the aliens' hearts, literally.
When the sun exploded, you and the dragon flew to a new universe.
When you woke up, you had vague impressions of other adventures, but neither you nor the dragon could remember the details, so you ordered ten large pizzas and played video games.
* Fanciful micro fiction of less than 300 words
#microfiction #story #writing #authorstr #storystr #nostrlife #grownostr #storytime