June 15, 2024

Thinking about how I want to…

Thinking about how I want to…

Thinking about how I want to continue the Index Card A Day art challenge in July. I can make it to the end of June with my current magazine. Because I still want to continue the collage aspect, that means buying a new magazine, or something else I can cut up and remix.

Thrift store to the rescue!

Also changing up my process: with the magazine, I’d look through the pages, something catches my attention, I tear out the page and keep looking for something to go with it. With these books, I’m going to cut out a bunch of images, then go through the pile and see what happens.

Interested to find out how the difference in process affects the collages, if at all.

#art #artstr #artchallenge #indexcardaday #dyicad2024 #collage #rustypuppyart