November 9, 2023

First week of the #nostrichNovember art…

First week of the #nostrichNovember art…

First week of the #nostrichNovember art challenge is over! 3 more weeks to go, so lots of time left to share some purple ostrich (or any) art. Free downloads of daily prompts, trackers, and ostrich silhouettes as well as my 1920s French Fashion Nostrich coloring book (which you can totally color and use as your art to share this (or any) month!) for purchase via sats or fiat are all on the website:

Many thanks to those who have shared their art!!! :)

Many thanks to those who have shared my posts about this art challenge and my art!!! :)

Every day there’s someone new on Nostr, and I appreciate the chance you give them to see art and encourage them to share their own. :)

#grownostr #plebchain #art #artstr #nostrich #frenchfashionnostrich #fashion #artchallenge #onlyonnostr