IMMORTAL - While one Birmingham was the…

IMMORTAL - While one Birmingham was the most populous city in the state of Alabama, and another Birmingham was the most populous city in the English Midlands, the Birmingham crater on the Moon had a population of zero.
Which made the fact that seventeen alarm clocks sat in its basin difficult to explain. Thankfully, Tonney didn’t have to explain it; xe just had to report it.
From the observation post on the other side of the moon, Tonney vidded the drone footage to xis supervisor on Mars. She sent a priority projection to her supervisor on Europa. He holoed the captain of the Lutwidge Dodgson, who walked into Tonney’s office two hours later and demanded to see the live video.
Still Birmingham crater. Now forty-two alarm clocks.
The captain advised Tonney to cut back on the neurostims and take a paid vacation. Now.
Tonney put in a call for an intra-solar shuttle, donned a spacesuit, and waited outside.
In the abandoned room, Alice slumped in Tonney’s chair. Just when her career was finally getting started. On the monitor, a white rabbit in a waistcoat appear amidst the time pieces. He looked up at the dronecam. "We shall be late."
Alice appeared beside the rabbit and his ears flushed pink at her vulgar suggestion of where he should put his pocket watch. A hole opened beneath their feet. A cacophony of ringing alarm clocks followed the falling duo to a new wonder.
#microfiction #story #writing #authorstr #nostrlife #grownostr #storytime #singlepagestories