August 18, 2023

The air is completely filled with…

The air is completely filled with smoke again, so not walking the mountain tomorrow morning. So very glad I walked today, even if it was only a fourth as long as the usual route.

There’s delayed gratification. There’s doing things right now. It’s up to each person to navigate those two options, every day.

One thing that really sunk into me because of the pandemic was that any time can be the last time.

You never know.

I’ll never eat at that restaurant again because it closed.

I’ll never see that person smile again because they died.

As a HODLer, I believe in a far future, and that I’ll be there to enjoy it.

I’m also more aware that sometimes, things that may seem like inconveniences (why bother getting up/dressing/driving at 5:30 am if I can’t walk the whole way?) are worth doing because there are no guarantees.

Like the air being free enough of smoke to breathe easily.

Take the walk if you can, no matter how short.

#randomThoughts #youneverknow