CONSISTENT - The robin watched the caterpillar…

CONSISTENT - The robin watched the caterpillar eat his way through all the leaves on a branch of the shrub. As soon as the insect extended his body toward her, the robin spoke. "Back off, buddy."
"But I must eat, or I’ll never change."
"Eat the leaves over there," the robin gestured with her wing. "These leaves hide my nest."
"But that branch is so far, and I am so hungry."
"If I eat you, you won't be hungry anymore." The robin leaned forward.
The caterpillar quickly backed up, almost falling off his branch. Once he straightened out, he found new leaves within easy munching distance. He began eating, ignoring the robin who fluffed her feathers and settled down to warm her eggs.
A few days later, a bright yellow butterfly landed on the edge of the robin's nest. "Look how I’ve changed!"
The robin frantically beat her wings. "Go away! Go away!"
The movement of air blew the butterfly into a dizzy circle. Finally able to control his flight, the butterfly flapped just over the robin's head. "Bird brain. I just came by to add some color to your dull life."
A black paw swatted the butterfly onto the lawn, where the cat batted him around until he could no longer fly.
The robin waited, her tiny heart beating as fast as a hummingbird's wings. The cat patted the still butterfly once more, then strode back to the house. The robin sat down on her eggs. "You didn’t change at all."
#microfiction #writing #grownostr #storytime #singlepagestories