January 6, 2025

If you’ve subscribed to my…

If you’ve subscribed to my…

If you’ve subscribed to my Creatr for the NostrArtstr January Art Challenge of A Month of Good Mornings, I just posted a long note with process photos of how I created my first GM mixed media artwork. 🎉

I’m creating 24 artworks this month, and releasing them one at a time around 7 am for each of the main time zones.

Subscribers can see GM.1 right now; the public note with the final art should go live at 7 am UTC+1 Tuesday. I hope. 🤞

This is a photo of me making the simple, free tracker available via my NostrArtstr account more complex because I want to keep track of three aspects of each artwork:
1. Created
2. Process note and photos for Creatr subscribers
3. Public note with final art only

Doing well on the creating part. Getting a bit behind on the writing and processing photos and scheduling notes part.

If you aren’t subscribed to my Creatr account, for a one-time payment of 1,000 sats, you get a PDF with 32 unique font treatments of GM, a spiffy tracker, and process photos and details of how I create my mixed media art: https://creatr.nostr.wine/subscribe/npub1jdtdqz9tyf4tdvy2k0rnjqz5dv5rd3yvw5nlpefn9syjqx37dhyqxwh0c8

#nostrartstrJan2025 #artchallenge #art #artstr #gm #nostronly #creatr #tracker