Apr 19, 2024

This. My feed, at any time…

This. My feed, at any time of day or night, is very much a box of chocolates - I never know what I’m gonna get. I do know it’s more positive and

Apr 18, 2024

Now that I’ve built up…

Now that I’ve built up…

Now that I’ve built up enough orange acrylic paint on the flowers, I can add yellow liquid acrylic to flow into the grooves. Probably going to repeat that process one more time,

Apr 18, 2024

Yes! You can add hashtags like…

Yes! You can add hashtags like #art #artstr #tattoo etc. to help folks find your work. Also info about how you created it, as text or hashtags: #digitalart #aiart #acrylics #mixedmedia etc. 👍…

Apr 18, 2024

My sketch looks gaunt, but it…

My sketch looks gaunt, but it…

My sketch looks gaunt, but it was a tough past few years. 🐻📉 Little #TheLittleHODLer by @Lina Seiche that Boyfriend got me for my bday last month. 🧡 Daily drawing in a 4” x 4”

Apr 18, 2024

If I was into plants, I’…

If I was into plants, I’d want one of these. Art comes in all forms on Nostr. #grownostr #plebchain #art #artstr #plants #design #craftsmanship…